It’s been a week of more ‘small’ things. But pennies are small, and they make dollars. One of my students now has glasses. Maybe a small thing, but he hadn’t realized he had bad vision. After several weeks of classes, I became very aware that he was squinting in classes. I asked Tenzin to help […]
SamaSource has arrived! Rohan, one of the fellows from SamaSource arrived in Dharamsala two days ago. Today, we met with the program manager and started to get the plan in action. We will be selecting the first students this week! Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin
I’ve definitely settled into my schedule here. Last week, one of my oldest friends here, Wangdu, got his Visa, and left with his wife for the US. The evening we went to the bus station, I found a small group of puppies. Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin
This week, the Dalai Lama gave 2 teachings, one sponsored by Taiwan, and one by Singapore. Classes kind of go on hold, well, at least the regular schedule, as everyone is at the teachings. Geshe Wandak and I have been making time after the teachings for his classes, which is great. We’ve been working hard, […]
Yesterday, there was a massive power surge in Dhasa — enough that it started to fry my Mac power cord (thank god not my computer!) It was bad enough that the power was shut down in the whole state for 8 hours yesterday while they fixed it. Such is India. Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin
About a week before I came here, my friend Jenn in CA mentioned a company to me – it’s a non-profit called SamaSource. Here’s a bit about them from their website: “Samasource derives its name from the Sanskrit word sama, which means “equal”. Our mission is to reduce poverty by connecting people to dignified, computer-based […]
This morning, instead of class, the Geshe’s and I watched the celebrations in Beijing for the People’s Republic of China’s 60th birthday. 60 is a more significant number than 50, as China uses the lunar calender. We watched it for about 2 hours. It was massive, but so sad and scary. Military tanks, new weapons […]
My thangka teacher just completed the Je Tsongkhapa thangka for the Tibet House. The SOLO Foundation, which oversees Built On Respect purchased it for this event: Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin
Saturday, I spent a better part of the day at IBD — we did three hours of conversation in the morning, focusing on the Dalai Lama’s teachings given that week. Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin
Humility and selling don’t always go hand in hand. I know, totally strange sentence to start a blog with, but it was what came to mind after Monday’s occurrences. Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin