Contemporary Tibetan Art: PART 2
It is hard to believe in a community literally built around the Dalai Lama — with its influx of tourists and refugees, that there is not a space dedicated to contemporary art. Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin
Joe Stummer, and the music he made has influenced my life in such a major way. His quotes from interviews are beyond inspiring: ”The way you get a better world is, you don’t put up with substandard anything.” Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin
It is hard to believe in a community literally built around the Dalai Lama — with its influx of tourists and refugees, that there is not a space dedicated to contemporary art. Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin
Surprisingly, it’s been 6 weeks since I arrived in Dhasa. I had big plans for this trip – starting SamaSource here was a main priority I’m glad to say, this has been going well. There were so many obstacles — having working computers, finding a good manager, and the small unavoidables, such as lack of […]
It’s no secret the Tibetan Government has been in exile for 51 years, and an extraordinary culture and life has bloomed in exile. The streets of Dharamsala are filled with juxtaposition – a culture previously isolated has collided with the modern world at an astoundingly fast pace. The first generation of elders offspring are now […]
Props to Luca and all involved for taking the time to put this together! I hope everyone has a great time!!! Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin
I arrived in Delhi 12 days ago, and this has been the first time I’ve had time to write about what EXACTLY I’ve been doing for 12 days. They weren’t lost in a haze of jet lag, on the contrary, they’ve been exciting, challenging and non-stop days that have run into each other and played […]
About two weeks ago, I found a video on FaceBook — it explained human rights. What made it interesting to me was that it started off asking people on the street WHAT ARE human rights? People were better able to explain what they weren’t — but not what they were. Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin
Hi all, I’m headed back to Dharamsala in 4 weeks. There are a few things could use help with if you wanted to support. Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin
I got home on Monday, and looked at my Indian cell phone. I was going through it, and realized how quickly I add numbers, and delete them. Whether it’s just numbers of people passing through town, or of my friends there. On this past trip, two of my best friends there left India to start […]
Wen King, only 25 years old, has built something amazing in Dharamsala, India — a place where there is no agenda, just a Common Ground for conversation. Wen firmly believes conversation can deconstruct propaganda, foster understanding, and has started the Common Ground Cafe for this purpose, amongst others. Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin