Losar Preparation


Traveling caught up with me, and I was a bit sick for the past two days. But, Tibetan New Year is about to start, and I have been really looking forward to it.

Losar is based off of a lunar calendar. While normally it is a big celebration that can last for several weeks, this year, it will be toned down, in observance of the number of Tibetans that have been imprisoned or killed in peaceful protests this year.

I did an interview with my friend Kusang that you can Watch Here.

One of the projects that The Hope Center does is called Groovy Grannie. Once a month, they plan different activities for the elderly living in a nearby home.

Yesterday, we baked over 1,000 traditional Tibetan cookies, and tomorrow, we will take them over to the residents. You can Watch Us Making Them Here!

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